En Garde Movie Series Showcase FIE’s History

The FIE's video series showcases the organizations history.Budapest, 9 August 2013 – The International Fencing Federation (FIE) has released the three part movie series “En Garde” as part of it’s 100 year anniversary.

All parts run 26 minutes each and showcase the FIE’s and fencing’s rich heritage. They draw upon the sport’s constant presence at the Olympic Games since the first modern Games in Athens in 1896, and highlight both the greats of the past as well as the current heroes, male and female, who continue to inspire Olympic audiences to this current day.

The movies also reflect on the FIE’s commitment to growing the sport as widely as possible internationally and also to ensure a healthy future for fencing by developing programs to encourage its uptake by young sportsmen and women all around the world.


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