2012 Olympics: Recap Video Fencing

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has a YouTube channel!  In that channel they are starting to load up videos from the Olympic Games.

The first video we’re highlighting is the 4 minute recap video to give you an overview of what happened at the 2012 London Olympic.:

We’re now getting those videos loaded up on Fencing.Net along with some text commentary to highlight some of what is going on in the videos and discuss things like close calls, how rules were applied, bout strategies, etc.

Thanks to damianip for alerting the community to these videos in this thread. You can view the videos that we’ve already loaded up for comments in our new video section here, and if there are videos you want to see highlighted, you can submit them for approval with your own forum account.

Italy swept the individual medals on the first day of competition.

Italy swept the individual medals on the first day of competition.

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