From the Archives: Kogler Epee Training Documents


Epee close up from the 2012 Olympics. Photo C.Harkins

Epee close up from the 2012 Olympics. Photo C.Harkins

Someone looking through some of our older forum threads for epee training information brought up a set of documents from a training camp in the 80s:

I am looking for a copy of an old epee manual and lesson plan that was written by Aladar (Kogler) back in the mid-80′s (or so).

A few years ago I saw it online, and downloaded from some club website. I managed to lose the copy I downloaded, and now can’t find it anywhere.

Looking through the thread, that was a document that I had available here on Fencing.Net, but the links have changed over time so here they are again:

These were published in 1986 and the writing is from 1985.  It’s been a while since I’ve gone through these documents, but even in 2005 the documents were well received and should be of help to epee fencers out there.

Please comment back on this if you got use out of these documents or if there are areas where this content can be updated or refreshed.


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